Paranormal Activity

Paranormal Activity (trans)formation

Publisher: Zine Club

Art & Design: Sylvana d'Angelo
Text: Christopher Laursen

There is a common misconception that people can search for the paranormal to “prove” something about it. The nature of the paranormal affirms the opposite. Unexpectedly, the paranormal finds people: lightforms appear, energy intensifies, unseen presences manifest, the future appears in dreams.

Paradoxically, a social stigma discourages “modern” people from openly talking about paranormal experiences. Many fear that others will question the reality of their experience. They fear being labelled as “crazy.” Here, twenty -three unnamed individuals share a fragment from a paranormal experience they had, and how that moment transformed their way of being, how they think about things. The paranormal finds people. And when they pay attention, their lifeworlds expand.

Christopher Laursen, Historian of Religions, Science, and Nature at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington


Paranormal Activity (dis)ambiguation